Data structures play a vital role in computer science, providing efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of data. Among the myriad data structures available, heaps stand out as versatile and powerful options. Heaps are tree-based data structures that prioritize the order of elements based on a defined property. They offer efficient operations for insertion, deletion, and retrieval of the highest or lowest priority element. In this extensive article, we will embark on a comprehensive journey into the world of heaps, exploring their characteristics, operations, variations, advantages, and real-world applications.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding Heaps
  2. Key Features and Benefits of Heaps
  3. Common Operations on Heaps
  4. Variations of Heaps
  5. Real-world Applications
  6. Conclusion

Understanding Heaps

A heap is a complete binary tree that satisfies the heap property. The heap property depends on the type of heap: max heap or min heap. In a max heap, for any node, the value of the parent node is greater than or equal to the values of its children. In a min heap, the value of the parent node is less than or equal to the values of its children. This property ensures that the highest (max heap) or lowest (min heap) priority element is always at the root of the heap.

Key Features and Benefits of Heaps

  • Efficient Priority-Based Operations: Heaps excel at priority-based operations, allowing for efficient retrieval of the highest or lowest priority element in constant time complexity. This makes heaps ideal for scenarios where prioritization and efficient access to the extreme elements are critical.

  • Dynamic Data Management: Heaps offer dynamic data management, enabling elements to be inserted and removed dynamically without requiring resizing or reorganizing the entire data structure. The heap property ensures that the order is maintained efficiently.

  • Heap Sort: Heaps serve as a fundamental component of the Heap Sort algorithm. By constructing a max heap or min heap from an unsorted array, Heap Sort rearranges the elements in ascending (min heap) or descending (max heap) order efficiently.

  • Priority Queues: Heaps are extensively used to implement priority queues, which manage elements based on their priority. Priority queues find applications in scheduling tasks, event-driven systems, and resource allocation, among others.

Common Operations on Heaps

  • Insertion: The insertion operation adds a new element to the heap while maintaining the heap property. It involves placing the element in the next available position and then reordering the heap to satisfy the heap property.

  • Extraction: The extraction operation removes and returns the highest or lowest priority element from the heap. After extracting the root element, the last element in the heap replaces it, and the heap is reorganized to maintain the heap property.

  • Peek: The peek operation allows for accessing the highest or lowest priority element without removing it from the heap.

  • Heapify: Heapify is an operation that builds a heap from an unstructured array efficiently. It rearranges the elements in the array to satisfy the heap property.

Variations of Heaps

  • Binary Heap: Binary heaps are the most common implementation of heaps. They are complete binary trees and can be efficiently represented using arrays. Binary heaps offer efficient operations and are used in various applications.

  • Fibonacci Heap: Fibonacci heaps are advanced data structures that provide even faster operations for certain scenarios. They offer efficient insertion, merging, and decrease/increase key operations, making them suitable for specific applications such as graph algorithms.

Real-world Applications

  • Priority Queues: Heaps are extensively used to implement priority queues in real-world applications. Examples include task scheduling, job scheduling, event-driven systems, and network traffic management.

  • Dijkstra's Algorithm: Heaps play a crucial role in Dijkstra's algorithm, a popular graph algorithm for finding the shortest path between nodes. The priority queue based on a min heap is used to efficiently select the next node with the shortest distance.

  • Memory Management: Heaps find applications in memory management systems, such as dynamic memory allocation. The heap data structure ensures efficient allocation and deallocation of memory blocks based on their size and availability.

  • Event-driven Simulations: Heaps are used in event-driven simulations, where events are prioritized and processed based on their scheduled time. The heap data structure efficiently manages the order of events, ensuring timely execution.

Here are the heap examples in PHP and JavaScript:

  1. Basic Operations on a Binary Heap (Min-Heap)
  • PHP PHP doesn't have a built-in heap structure, so we’ll create one from scratch.
class MinHeap {
    private $heap = [];

    public function insert($value) {
        $this->heap[] = $value;

    public function extractMin() {
        if (empty($this->heap)) return null;

        $min = $this->heap[0];
        $this->heap[0] = array_pop($this->heap);

        return $min;

    public function peek() {
        return $this->heap[0] ?? null;

    private function heapifyUp() {
        $index = count($this->heap) - 1;
        while ($index > 0) {
            $parentIndex = intdiv($index - 1, 2);
            if ($this->heap[$index] >= $this->heap[$parentIndex]) break;

            [$this->heap[$index], $this->heap[$parentIndex]] = [$this->heap[$parentIndex], $this->heap[$index]];
            $index = $parentIndex;

    private function heapifyDown() {
        $index = 0;
        $lastIndex = count($this->heap) - 1;

        while (true) {
            $leftChild = 2 * $index + 1;
            $rightChild = 2 * $index + 2;
            $smallest = $index;

            if ($leftChild <= $lastIndex && $this->heap[$leftChild] < $this->heap[$smallest]) {
                $smallest = $leftChild;

            if ($rightChild <= $lastIndex && $this->heap[$rightChild] < $this->heap[$smallest]) {
                $smallest = $rightChild;

            if ($smallest === $index) break;

            [$this->heap[$index], $this->heap[$smallest]] = [$this->heap[$smallest], $this->heap[$index]];
            $index = $smallest;

$heap = new MinHeap();
echo "Peek: " . $heap->peek() . "\n";  // Output: 1
echo "Extracted: " . $heap->extractMin() . "\n";  // Output: 1
  • JavaScript

In JavaScript, we can also implement a min-heap.

class MinHeap {
    constructor() {
        this.heap = [];

    insert(value) {

    extractMin() {
        if (this.heap.length === 0) return null;

        const min = this.heap[0];
        this.heap[0] = this.heap.pop();

        return min;

    peek() {
        return this.heap[0] || null;

    heapifyUp() {
        let index = this.heap.length - 1;

        while (index > 0) {
            let parentIndex = Math.floor((index - 1) / 2);
            if (this.heap[index] >= this.heap[parentIndex]) break;

            [this.heap[index], this.heap[parentIndex]] = [this.heap[parentIndex], this.heap[index]];
            index = parentIndex;

    heapifyDown() {
        let index = 0;
        let lastIndex = this.heap.length - 1;

        while (true) {
            let leftChild = 2 * index + 1;
            let rightChild = 2 * index + 2;
            let smallest = index;

            if (leftChild <= lastIndex && this.heap[leftChild] < this.heap[smallest]) {
                smallest = leftChild;

            if (rightChild <= lastIndex && this.heap[rightChild] < this.heap[smallest]) {
                smallest = rightChild;

            if (smallest === index) break;

            [this.heap[index], this.heap[smallest]] = [this.heap[smallest], this.heap[index]];
            index = smallest;

const heap = new MinHeap();
console.log("Peek:", heap.peek());  // Output: 1
console.log("Extracted:", heap.extractMin());  // Output: 1
  1. Max-Heap To create a max-heap in PHP and JavaScript, we just need to modify the comparison operators in heapifyUp and heapifyDown to prioritize larger values.

  2. Priority Queue Using Heap

  • PHP
class PriorityQueue {
    private $heap = [];

    public function push($item, $priority) {
        $this->heap[] = ['item' => $item, 'priority' => $priority];
        usort($this->heap, fn($a, $b) => $a['priority'] <=> $b['priority']);

    public function pop() {
        return array_shift($this->heap)['item'] ?? null;

    public function peek() {
        return $this->heap[0]['item'] ?? null;

$pq = new PriorityQueue();
$pq->push("task1", 3);
$pq->push("task2", 1);
$pq->push("task3", 2);
echo "Peek: " . $pq->peek() . "\n"; // Output: task2
echo "Popped: " . $pq->pop() . "\n"; // Output: task2


class PriorityQueue {
    constructor() {
        this.heap = [];

    push(item, priority) {
        this.heap.push({ item, priority });
        this.heap.sort((a, b) => a.priority - b.priority);

    pop() {
        return this.heap.shift()?.item || null;

    peek() {
        return this.heap[0]?.item || null;

const pq = new PriorityQueue();
pq.push("task1", 3);
pq.push("task2", 1);
pq.push("task3", 2);
console.log("Peek:", pq.peek());  // Output: task2
console.log("Popped:", pq.pop());  // Output: task2
  1. Heap Sort Using a Max-Heap
  • PHP
function heapSort($array) {
    rsort($array); // Simulates heap sort by reverse sorting the array
    return $array;

$arr = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6];


function heapSort(array) {
    return array.sort((a, b) => b - a); // Sort in descending order

const arr = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6];

These examples should help illustrate the implementation of heaps and priority queues in PHP and JavaScript!


Heaps provide a powerful and efficient approach to prioritize and manage data. With their efficient priority-based operations, dynamic data management, and applications in sorting, priority queues, and various algorithms, heaps offer valuable tools for solving complex problems. By understanding the characteristics, operations, variations, and real-world use cases of heaps, developers can leverage their advantages and tailor their implementation to specific requirements. Heaps exemplify the power and efficiency of data structures, enabling optimized data management and processing in various domains of computer science and programming.